Enrollment Data: 1995 through 2013

Here is enrollment data for Hoover’s elementary schools from the 1995-1996 school year through the 2013-2014 school year. All data comes from the Alabama State Department of Education’s Public Data reports.

Useful Information During a Rezoning Debate – Alabama School Connection, August 8, 2014

Welcome to the Table of Discussion

Welcome to those of you who are new to this site. Likely you found it because you or your neighbors are going to be affected by the rezoning proposal being floated around by Superintendent Andy Craig.

This site was created as a way to share information about the decisions being made about school buses for Hoover’s children. The info already posted here is relevant to many different decisions, including the zoning of our children.

Check out who we are on our About page.

Arming yourself with facts and context will help as our community grapples with where our children attend school.

Best (but longest) way to find what you’re looking for is to scroll through all of these posts. Some posts will interest you, and likely some will not. Check out what’s useful to you.

The search box is helpful. Just type in a keyword.

And here are a few posts and links that you might find useful as a place to start getting to know your school district better.

The schools in Hoover belong to the people of Hoover. The decisions that are made about zoning should be made in collaboration with not ONLY the Department of Justice and the “select” group of parents and others that Craig chooses to meet with behind closed doors. Information should be freely shared with all of the community.

The success of our schools affects all of us whether we have children in Hoover schools, own a business, work, shop, attend church, play sports, visit the library, or simply just live here.

While a whole bunch of wonderful and interested people attended the August 4 Hoover BOE meeting, no one group of parents (or PTO leaders) has stepped forward to lead the community effort through the rezoning maze. During the Save the Hoover Buses effort, we found that having a central repository of facts and information was helpful as we marched forward.

Here’s hoping that Craig and the Board of Education learned some communication lessons through the Hoover Bus Debacle.

But in case they didn’t, we will be around to post useful info throughout the process.

Please let us know if there are facts you’d like to know. Make sure to ask school officials for the same information, but we’ll help out if we can.

If you know of any community groups that are sharing information about rezoning, please let us know and we are happy to share. Best way to let us know is post on the Facebook page.